Research Unit
Research Labs
1. Histopathology Research Lab (S17, 18)
Target personnel: Services available for MIU faculty members, students, and postgraduate students (MIU and external institutions).
- Manual Microtome
- Knife-Sharpener
- Automatic Tissue Processor
- Light Microscope with Digital Camera
- ImageJ Software
- Stereomicroscope with Digital Camera
Research Laboratory Roles:
- Case Diagnosis from MIU Clinics: The diagnosis process involves a comprehensive analysis of cases obtained from MIU.
- Tissue Preparation and Staining with Routine H&E Staining: The preparation of tissue samples involves fixing, embedding, and sectioning the specimens. These sections are then stained using the standard Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) staining technique.
- Tissue Preparation and Staining with Special Stains: In addition to routine H&E staining, tissue samples are also prepared and stained using specialized staining techniques. These special stains are used to identify specific components or abnormalities within the tissues, providing additional diagnostic information.
- Image Capturing and Analysis Using a Light Microscope: Capturing images of the stained tissue sections is performed using a light microscope. These high-resolution images are then analyzed to identify and evaluate pathological features.
Image Capturing and Analysis Using a Stereomicroscope: For three-dimensional visualization of tissue samples, images are captured using a stereomicroscope.
2. Microbiology Research Lab (S22)
Target personnel: Microbiological assessment tests are available for MIU faculty members, students, and postgrad students (MIU and external institutions).
Research Laboratory Roles:
- Preliminary identification and characterization of isolated bacterial organisms.
- Assessing the antimicrobial activity of any material against normal oral flora and multi drug resistant bacteria using either disc diffusion assay or minimum inhibitory concentration test.
- Evaluating the antibiofilm activity of any material against biofilm forming bacteria.
- Calculating total bacterial count in any selected sample.
3. Molecular Biology Research Lab (S10)
Target personnel: MIU students, teaching assistants, staff and any MIU personnel performing research.
Research Laboratory Roles:
- Address researchers’ technical needs for research.
- Train the university research personnel on the required research lab techniques and facilities.
- Instruct the university research personnel on the most beneficial procedure to achieve their research.
- Train the university research personnel on the safe usage of the required laboratory equipment.
- Train the university research personnel on general laboratory risks and on biosafety in the laboratories to minimize the risk of lab acquired injury or infection to laboratory workers.
- Supervise and help to perform the designed laboratory work.
- Help in results analysis, writing the required reports and publications will be generated from the research.
Dental research laboratories have all microbiological techniques, PCR, ELISA, and histopathological capabilities. These facilities help in:
- Isolation, Detection and Characterization of Microorganisms and their virulence factors; including the antimicrobial activity using Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Assay.
- Detection of Immunoinflammatory markers such as cytokine (e.g. tumor necrosis factors, and interleukins) and correlate the markers pattern with oral diseases.
Molecular Research Laboratory Activities:
- One awareness session was provided in a classroom format on “Basic Laboratory Safety”, “Blood Borne Pathogen”, “Laboratory Acquired Infections”, and “Universal Precautions & Safe Work Practices”. Twenty- two laboratory’ technologists attended the awareness workshop for three hours.
- Writing and analysis a manuscript titled “Antibacterial and Cytotoxicity Effect of Moringa Oleifera Leaves- in vitro study” as a first part of “Antibacterial, Antiplaque and Anticariogenic Effect of Moringa Oleifera Mouthwash Compared to Chlorhexidine Mouthwash: A Randomized Clinical Trial” research.
- Three policies for Dentistry Research Laboratories, MIU university, were written. The policies titled “سياسة السلامة البيولوجية”, “سياسة استخدام المختبر من قبل الباحثين وطلاب الدراسات العليا”.