Master's Degree
Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine
- Our program is approved by the Ministry of Higher Education
- Education guidance based on credit hours system
- Early clinical exposure starting first semester
- Student-Centered approach supported by the use of module guides
- Highly equipped research labs
- State-of-the-art Dental Clinics Complex supported by the latest materials and equipment
- A steady flow of patients
Who is eligible to join our program?
Applicants must
- Hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry from an Egyptian university or an equivalent accredited university
- Hold a valid license of practice of profession or its equivalent
- Have a one year experience after internship
- Achieve a cumulative GPA of not less than 2.5 or its equivalent
- Achieve a GPA of not less than 3.0 or its equivalent in the required specialty
- Pass the interview of the required department of specialty
- Pass MIU English placement exam or its equivalent (for non MIU graduates)
Programs offered
- Multidisciplinary Master of Esthetic Dentistry
(65 Credit Hours)
The program is designed for the general dentist who has already taken the first step towards the field of esthetic dentistry. It aims to qualify students for demanding synoptic treatment options by enhancing their methodological and manual skills as well as increasing their awareness for the importance of objective evaluation of esthetic cases.
Since all areas of dentistry need to be considered in order to achieve excellent esthetics results, topics like smile design, dental prosthodontics, periodontology, restorative dentistry, orthodontics and dental technology will be addressed in a well-balanced way throughout the whole program.
The program also presents you the opportunity to improve your comprehensive skills across all dental disciplines, especially in designing and applying the best treatment options.
First Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 EST700 Material Considerations in Esthetic Dentistry 1 2 EST701 Histological and Biological Consideration in Esthetic Dentistry 1 3 RES730 Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics 2 4 GBS711 Dental Photography 1 5 RES713 Dental Cariology & Preventive Dentistry 3 6 GBS751 Biostatistics 1 7 GBS702 Healthcare Management and Infection Control 1 Second Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 RES736 Dental Anatomy & Occlusion 1 2 RES711 Fundamentals of Operative Dentistry 2 3 EST702 Radiographic Considerations in Esthetic Dentistry 2 4 RLE701 Review of Literature in Esthetic Dentistry I 2 5 GBS752 Research Methodology & Evidence Based Dentistry 1 Third Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 GBS— Elective 1 2 EST704 Application of Resin Based Restoration in Esthetic Dentistry 2 3 RLE702 Review of Literature in Esthetic Dentistry II 2 4 EST705 Fundamentals of Periodontology 2 5 RES737 Applied Occlusion 2 Fourth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 EST703 Ceramic Technology and Digital Dentistry 2 2 EST706 Fundamentals of Pink Esthetics 2 3 RES740 Smile Analysis and Treatment Planning 2 4 RES738 Fundamentals of Implant Dentistry 2 5 RLE703 Review of Literature in Esthetic Dentistry III 2 Fifth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 EST707 Orthodontic Considerations in Restorative Dentistry 1 2 EST708 Esthetic Dentistry (1) (multidisplinary approach) 3 3 RES739 Implantology 2 4 RLE704 Review of Literature in Esthetic Dentistry IV 2 Sixth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 EST709 Esthetic Dentistry (2) (Multidisplinary approach) 3 2 EOR731 Esthetic Oral Rehabilitation 3 3 RLE705 Review of Literature in Esthetic Dentistry V 2 4 THE740 Thesis in Esthetic Dentistry 12
- Master of Dental Implantology
(68 Credit Hours)
This program has been developed to allow you as a student to gain hands on supervised learning in a highly technical clinical setting. The program aims to provide comprehensive knowledge in implant dentistry. Students will also gain clinical skills to treat both partial and complete edentulous patients from oral examination, treatment planning, implant selection, implant placement, implant restorations till maintenance. Through lessons on theory and hands-on participation activities the Master course aims to help the student acquire specific proficiency and clinical experience in implantology. The clinical experience activities include surgery, with live operations on patients performed by participants under the guidance and supervision of teachers.
The course concludes with a Master thesis on topics of implant that will prepare the student during the year and will discuss at the end of the course.
First Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 IMP700 Basic and Applied Dental Biomaterials 1 2 IMP701 Applied Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1 3 IMP702 Applied Anatomy of Head and Neck 2 4 IMP703 Oral Histology and Bone Physiology 2 5 IMP707 Fundamentals of Implant Surgery 2 6 GBS711 Dental Photography 1 7 GBS751 Biostatistics 1 8 GBS702 Healthcare Management and Infection Control 1 Second Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 IMP704 Biomechanical Considerations and occlusion in Implantology 2 2 IMP705 Treatment Planning and Maxillofacial Imaging in Implantology 2 3 IMP709 Soft tissue Considerations in Implant Dentistry 2 4 RLI701 Review of Literature in Dental Implantology I 2 5 GBS752 Research Methodology & Evidence Based Dentistry 1 Third Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 GBS— Elective 1 2 IMP708 Prosthodontic Considerations in Implant Dentistry 2 3 IMP710 Clinical Approach for Single Tooth Replacement 2 4 IMP711 Esthetic Considerations in Oral Implantology 2 5 RLI702 Review of Literature in Dental Implantology II 2 Fourth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 IMP706 Digital Planning & Navigation 2 2 IMP714 Advanced Implant Surgery 2 3 IMP712 Implant Prosthodontics in Partial and Complete Edentulism 2 4 RLI703 Review of Literature in Dental Implantology III 3 Fifth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 MCI701 Multi-Disciplinary Clinical Approach in Implant Dentistry (1) 3 2 IMP713 Soft and Hard Tissue Rehabilitation 2 3 IMP716 Failure & Management in Oral Implantology 2 4 RLI704 Review of Literature in Dental Implantology IV 2 Sixth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 MCI702 Multi-Disciplinary Clinical Approach in Implant Dentistry (2) 3 2 IMP715 Maintenance of Implant Supported Restorations 2 3 IMP717 Future Trends in Implant Dentistry 2 4 RLI705 Review of Literature in Dental Implantology V 2 5 THI750 Thesis in Dental Implantology 12
- Master of Prosthodontics
(68 Credit Hours)
You will develop skills in providing a range of procedures, including complex removable prostheses, implant-supported prostheses, integrated fixed and removable prostheses, and restoration of tooth wear using direct and indirect materials. The students will be able to follow multi-disciplinary cases during all treatment phases. All treated cases, which shall be documented.
Taught courses are delivered throughout the three year program by academic staff but self-directed learning is expected during the residency. Effective studying is key to successful completion of the program and attendance at all educational activity is vital in order to achieve this.
First Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 OMP701 Oral Radiology 2 2 PRS701 Fundamentals of Dental Materials 1 3 HPT710 Oral Histology 1 4 GDN751 General Anatomy 2 5 PRS710 Fundamentals of Complete Denture Prosthodontics 2 6 RES730 Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics 2 7 GBS751 Biostatistics 1 8 GBS702 Healthcare Management and Infection Control 1 9 GBS711 Dental Photography 1 Second Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 PRS703 Applied Dental Material 1 2 HPT720 Oral Pathology 2 3 PRS715 Clinical Complete Denture Prosthodontics 2 4 PRS711 Fundamentals of Partial Denture Prosthodontics 2 5 PRS720 Implant Prosthodontics I 1 6 RES731 Clinical Prosthodontics I 2 7 GBS752 Research Methodology & Evidence Based Dentistry 1 Third Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 GBS— Elective 1 2 PRS721 Implant Prosthodontics II 2 3 PRS716 Clinical Partial Denture Prosthodontics 2 4 PRS712 Occlusion in Prosthodontics 1 5 PRS713 Digital Prosthodontics I 2 Fourth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 PRS722 Implant Prosthodontics III 2 2 PRS723 Interdisciplinary Approach in Prosthodontics I 2 3 PRS717 Contemporary Prosthodontics I 2 4 PRS714 Digital Prosthodontics II 2 Fifth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 PRS726 Maxillofacial Prosthodontics I 2 2 PRS718 Contemporary Prosthodontics II 2 3 RLP711 Review of Literature in Prosthodontics I 2 4 PRS724 Interdisciplinary Approach in Prosthodontics II 2 Sixth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 RLP712 Review of Literature in Prosthodontics II 2 2 PRS719 Contemporary Prosthodontics III 2 3 PRS725 Interdisciplinary Approach in Prosthodontics III 2 4 PRS727 Maxillofacial Prosthodontics II 2 5 THP710 Thesis in Prosthodontics 12
- Master of Restorative Dentistry
(64 Credit Hours)
The program offers advanced education in the conceptual, biological and practical components of Operative and Esthetic Dentistry. It includes training in basic sciences, biomaterials, research methods and the clinical aspects of Operative Dentistry. As for the clinical component of the program, it includes: patient care, diagnosis, and treatment planning with emphasis on the significance of periodontal health, esthetic dentistry in conjugation with conventional restorative procedures.
First Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 OMP701 Oral Radiology 2 2 PRS701 Fundamentals of Dental Materials 1 3 HPT710 Oral Histology 1 4 GBS711 Dental Photography 1 5 RES721 Endodontics I 2 6 RES713 Dental Cariology & Preventive Dentistry 3 7 GBS751 Biostatistics 1 8 GBS702 HealthCare Management and Infection Control 1 Second Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 PRS703 Applied Dental Materials 1 2 HPT720 Oral Pathology 2 3 RES736 Dental Anatomy & Occlusion 1 4 RES731 Clinical Prosthodontics I 2 5 GBS752 Research Methodology & Evidence Based Dentistry 1 6 RES711 Fundamentals of Operative Dentistry 2 Third Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 GBS— Elective 1 2 RES737 Applied Occlusion 2 3 BCE710 Basic Clinical Esthetics 2 4 RES714 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Restorative Dentistry 1 5 EST705 Fundamentals of Periodontology 2 Fourth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 EST706 Fundamentals of Pink Esthetics 2 2 RLR711 Review of Literature in Restorative Dentistry I 1 3 RES740 Smile Analysis and Treatment Planning 2 4 ACE711 Advanced Clinical Esthetics I 2 5 RES738 Fundamentals of Implant Dentistry 2 Fifth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 RES715 Interdisplinary Approach in Restorative Dentistry I 2 2 RLR712 Review of Literature in Restorative Dentistry II 2 3 ACE712 Advanced Clinical Esthetics II 2 4 RES739 Implantology 2 Sixth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 RES716 Interdisplinary Approach in Restorative Dentistry II 2 2 RES712 Advances in Operative Dentistry 2 3 RLR713 Review of Literature in Restorative Dentistry III 2 4 THR710 Thesis in Restorative and Esthetic Dentistry 12
- Master of Endodontics
(64 Credit Hours)
The program is designed to develop proficiency in the specialized field and to provide the educational background for continuous development throughout a professional career. The basic science education is integrated with the clinical training and is presented within the dental clinic complex environment. The program has a strong clinical component offering a broad based clinical experience in conventional and surgical endodontic treatment. Candidates will work in their operatories, equipped with an operating microscope under the supervision of highly skilled members of the endodontic community.
First Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 OMP701 Oral Radiology 2 2 PRS701 Fundamentals of Dental Materials 1 3 HPT710 Oral Histology 1 4 GBS711 Dental Photography 1 5 RES721 Endodontics I 2 6 GDN751 General Anatomy 2 7 GBS751 Biostatistics 1 8 GBS702 HealthCare Management and Infection Control 1 Second Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 PRS703 Applied Dental Materials 1 2 HPT720 Oral Pathology 2 3 RES722 Endodontics II 2 4 RLE721 Review of Literature in Endodontics I 2 5 GBS752 Research Methodology & Evidence Based Dentistry 1 6 CPE721 Clinical Practice in Endodontics I 2 Third Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 GBS— Elective 1 2 RES723 Endodontics III 2 3 RLE722 Review of Literature in Endodontics II 2 4 CPE722 Clinical Practice in Endodontics II 2 Fourth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 RES724 Endodontics IV 2 2 RLE723 Review of Literature in Endodontics III 2 3 CPE723 Clinical Practice in Endodontics III 2 4 RES738 Fundamentals of Implant Dentistry 2 Fifth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 RES725 Endodontics V 2 2 RLE724 Review of Literature in Endodontics IV 2 3 CPE724 Clinical Practice in Endodontics IV 2 4 RES739 Implantology 2 Sixth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 RES726 Endodontics VI 2 2 RLE725 Review of Literature in Endodontics V 2 3 CPE725 Clinical Practice in Endodontics V 2 4 RES727 Treatment Planning in Restorative Dentistry 2 5 THE720 Thesis in Endodontics 12
- Master of Fixed Prosthodontics
(67 Credit Hours)
The program covers Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics, Implantology, Implant Supported Prosthodontics, Complete and Partial Removable Proshtodontics. Candidates will utilize CAD/CAM technology during their training; they will also be acquainted with different Perio Dilemma related to Fixed Prosthodontics Implants and their different treatment modalities.
First Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 OMP701 Oral Radiology 2 2 PRS701 Fundamentals of Dental Materials 1 3 HPT710 Oral Histology 1 4 GBS711 Dental Photography 1 5 RES730 Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics 2 6 GBS751 Biostatistics 1 7 GBS702 HealthCare Management and Infection Control 1 Second Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 PRS703 Applied Dental Materials 1 2 HPT720 Oral Pathology 2 3 RES736 Dental Anatomy & Occlusion 1 4 RLF731 Review of Literature in Fixed Prosthodontics I 2 5 RES735 Technology of Fixed Prosthodontics 2 6 RES731 Clinical Prosthodontics I 2 7 GBS752 Research Methodology & Evidence Based Dentistry 1 Third Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 GBS— Elective 1 2 RES737 Applied Occlusion 2 3 RES734 Restorative and Esthetics Dentistry 2 4 RES732 Clinical Prosthodontics II 2 5 EST705 Fundamentals of Periodontology 2 Fourth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 EST706 Fundamentals of Pink Esthetics 2 2 RES733 Clinical Prosthodontics III 2 3 RLF732 Review of Literature in Fixed Prosthodontics II 2 4 RES740 Smile Analysis and Treatment Planning 2 5 RES738 Fundamentals of Implant Dentistry 2 Fifth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 RLF733 Review of Literature in Fixed Prosthodontics III 2 2 PRS728 Advanced Removable Prosthodontics 2 3 COR731 Comprehensive Oral Rehabilitation I 2 4 RES739 Implantology 2 Sixth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 COR732 Comprehensive Oral Rehabilitation II 3 2 EOR731 Esthetic Oral Rehabilitation 3 3 RLF734 Review of Literature in Fixed Prosthodontics IV 2 4 THF730 Thesis in Fixed Prosthodontics 12
- Master of Orthodontics
(62 Credit Hours)
The program is designed to provide advanced clinical and academic evidence-based education and training for future orthodontic specialists in a highly professional and challenging environment. It aims to prepare candidates for clinical practice and equip them with the theoretical knowledge and clinical skills required for the management and treatment of orthodontic patients. The program is taught by eminent professors and experts in their field.
Candidates will learn all fields of contemporary orthodontics and receive the most comprehensive clinical training based on the latest innovative techniques and recent advances in digital orthodontic treatment, aligners, and 3D printing. To fulfill this mission, the curriculum comprises a broad mix of lectures, practical workshops, clinical practice, clinical seminars, and journal clubs to keep pace with recent publications and innovations in the field of specialization.
This program focuses on the clinical, theoretical, and research areas necessary for graduating highly qualified orthodontic specialists who can provide clinical care and conduct research competently.
First Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 OMP700 Applied Oral Radiology & Imaging 2 2 IMP702 Applied Anatomy of the Head & Neck 2 3 GBS711 Dental Photography 1 4 GBS751 Biostatistics 1 5 PRS703 Applied Dental Materials 1 6 GBS702 Principles of Healthcare Management and Infection Control 1 7 ORT720 Growth & Development of Craniofacial Complex & Normal Occlusion 1 8 ORC720 Pre-Clinical Orthodontics 2 Second Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 RES737 Applied Occlusion 2 2 GMS721 Immunology 1 3 ORT721 Basic Cephalometric & Interactive Cone Beam-Computed Tomography 2 4 ORT722 Orthodontic Diagnosis, Classification of Malocclusion & Treatment Planning 2 5 ORT723 Orthodontic Biomechanics & Aspects of Tooth Movement 1 6 ORC721 Orthodontic Clinic I 2 7 GBS752 Research Methodology & Evidence-Based Dentistry 1 Third Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 GBS— Elective 1 2 ORT724 Advanced Orthodontic Biomechanics & Orthodontic Appliances 1 3 ORT725 Temporomandibular Disorders 1 4 ORT726 Treatment of Preadolescents & Adolescents 2 5 ORC722 Orthodontic Clinic II 2 6 ORS721 Orthodontic Seminars I 1 Fourth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 ORT727 Advanced Laser/ Adult Treatment/ Camouflage Treatment 1 2 ORM720 Multidisciplinary Treatment Procedures 2 3 ORC723 Orthodontic Clinic III 2 4 EST706 Fundamentals of Pink Esthetics 2 5 RES740 Smile Analysis & Treatment Planning 2 Fifth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 ORT728 Retention & Relapse/ Iatrogenic Effects 1 2 ORT729 Orthognathic Surgery & Cleft Lip & Palate Treatment 1 3 ORC724 Orthodontic Clinic IV 2 4 ORS722 Orthodontic Seminars II 1 Sixth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 ORC725 Orthodontic Clinic V 2 2 ORC726 Advanced Orthodontic Clinic 3 3 ORS723 Orthodontic Seminars III 1 4 THO720 Thesis in Orthodontics 12
- Master of Oral Biology
(52 Credit Hours)
Looking for a program that dives deep into the intricacies of oral biology? Look no further than our Master of Sciences in Oral Biology program! With 52 credit hours and a focus on the latest scientific developments in the field, this thesis-based program is perfect for students who want to gain a comprehensive understanding of the structure and biology of oral tissues. The candidates will have the opportunity to acquire various skills, such as critical thinking, experimental design, data collection, statistical analysis, and interpretation. Our academic-led teaching methods, including small groups and seminar-based learning, ensure that you will receive research training in the field of oral biology. The program emphasizes the importance of histology, molecular biology, cellular biology, genetics, and stem cells. Our ultimate goal is to engage students and inspire them to explore innovative findings in this field. We strongly believe in the value of life-long learning and the significance of innovative discoveries.
First Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 GDN751 General Anatomy 2 2 HPT711 Oral Histology (I) 3 3 HPT721 Oral Pathology (I) 3 4 HPT731 Microbiology 1 5 GBS751 Biostatistics 1 6 GBS702 Healthcare Management & Infection Control 1 Second Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 HPT712 Oral Histology (II) 3 2 HPT722 Oral Pathology (II) 3 3 GMS711 Genetics 1 4 GMS721 Immunology 1 5 HPT741 Laboratory Techniques 2 6 GBS752 Research Methodology & Evidence Based Dentistry 1 Third Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 GBS— Elective 1 2 GBS721 Cytology & Electron Microscopy 2 3 HPT761 Oral Physiology 2 4 HPT701 Human Dentition (I) 3 5 GDN721 Molecular Biology 1 Fourth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 HPT702 Human Dentition (II) 3 2 HPT751 Recent Trends in Oral Histopathology 2 3 HPT771 Craniofacial Embryology 2 4 HPT713 Oral Histology (III) 2 5 THB710 Thesis in Oral Biology 12
- Master of Periodontics
(77 Credit Hours)
The program aims to provide candidates with the knowledge, skills and attitudes fundamental to diagnosis and treatment of periodontal diseases and related procedures. It is designed to prepare candidates for critical evaluation and problem solving for periodontal problems to allow independent practice; including an appreciation of an interdisciplinary approach to comprehensive patient care.The program includes comprehensive periodontal surgery courses that provides participants with the rare opportunity to be exposed to: essential basic science information, patient evaluation and treatment planning guidelines. It also provides them with a wealth of clinically proven concepts, prophylactic periodontal procedures for restorative and esthetic procedures, basic and advanced periodontal surgical techniques, soft tissue management, oral soft tissue grafting, adjunctive plastic periodontal procedures, placement and repair of dental implants and bone-related surgeries.
The program focuses on preparing postgraduates who are capable of providing competent periodontal treatment through advanced education and research activities, a challenging learning environment, diversity in thinking and commitment to ethical and scientific standards.
First Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 IMP702 Applied Anatomy of Head and Neck 2 2 HPT720 Oral Pathology 3 3 GBS711 Dental photography 1 4 HPT711 Oral Histology 3 5 PER736 Periodontal Biology, Immunology and Microbiology 2 6 GBS751 Biostatistics 1 7 GBS702 Principle of Healthcare management and infection control 1 Second Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 PER737 Periodontal Diagnosis and Treatment planning 3 2 PER731 Periodontal Treatment (I) 3 3 BIP731 Basic Implantology for Periodontists (I) 3 4 GBS752 Research Methodology and Evidence-Based Dentistry 1 5 PER730 Oral Radiology for Periodontists 2 Third Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 GBS… Elective 1 2 RLP731 Review of Literature in Periodontology (I) 2 3 PER732 Periodontal Treatment (II) 3 4 BIP732 Basic Implantology for Periodontists (II) 3 5 IDP731 Interdisciplinary Clinical Approach in Periodontology (I) 2 Fourth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 RLP732 Review of Literature in Periodontology (II) 2 2 PER733 Periodontal Treatment (III) 3 1 AIP731 Advanced Implantology for Periodontists (I) 3 2 IDP732 Interdisciplinary Clinical Approach in Periodontology (II) 2 Fifth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 RLP733 Review of Literature in Periodontology (III) 2 2 PER734 Periodontal Treatment (IV) 3 1 AIP732 Advanced Implantology for Periodontists (II) 3 2 IDP733 Interdisciplinary Clinical Approach in Periodontology (III) 2 Sixth Semester
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Credit Hrs. 1 PER738 Recent Advances in Periodontology 3 2 PER735 Periodontal Treatment (V) 3 1 PER 739 Prosthodontic Consideration in Implant Dentistry 3 2 THP730 Thesis in Periodontology 12
Any queries about the application process should be addressed to the Postgraduate Admissions & Registration Department at
[email protected]
Mobile # 01029988828