Micro-endodontics Clinical Attachment Program
Micro-endodontics Clinical Attachment Program
Program overview
Learning objectives
The Micro-endodontics Clinical Program, ADA Continuing Education Recognized Program (ADA C.E.R.P).
This condensed program is designed to teach and enhance the candidates’ ability to manage challenging complex endodontic cases and improve their skills in advanced endodontic mishaps.
The Program consists of Lectures, Hands-on Workshops, Live Demos on patients and Clinical work on patients aiming to expose participants to a wide variety of advanced cases where 90% of the program is purely clinical work under dental operating microscope.
The program tackles many points including diagnosis, treatment planning, Cone Beam Computed Tomography “CBCT” interpretation, advanced molar endodontics, management of endodontic mishaps and open apices under magnification.
Knowledge and understanding:
By the end of the program, students should be able to:
- Outline the complex root canal morphology.
- Recognize how to diagnose Endodontic cases along with proper case selection and
- interpretation of Cone Beam CT x-rays
- Recognize the applied pharmacology in Endodontic
- Identify Minimally Invasive Endodontics
- Identify recent rotary systems and how to choose the exemplary one
- Explore the power of irrigation and agitation.
- Explore recent obturation techniques and sealers.
- Explain the causes of Endodontic failure
- Recognize the role of CBCT in retreatment cases.
- Recognize when to retreat and when not and ways of managing Endodontic Mishaps
- Explain the idea of vital pulp therapy.
Intellectual Skills
By the end of the program, students should be able to:
- Discuss the importance of Diagnosis and case Selection
- Assess when to use drugs through root canal treatment sessions
- Appraise minimal invasive techniques during root canal treatment such as, conservative access, ninja access, small apical preparation, etc.
- Assess which type of rotary kit to be used according to the case presented to the dentist
- Review recent types of irrigating techniques
- Review recent methods of obturation and recent sealer materials available.
- Assess conditions that would acquire the need to retreat a previous root canal treatment
- Justify the need for CBCT in root canal treatment
- Discuss the different techniques of vital pulp therapy according to the case presented to the
- dentist
- Discuss different techniques in managing Endodontic Mishaps
Professional and practical skills
By the end of the program, students should be able to:
- Interpret CBCT images
- Apply rubber dam isolation
- Perform access cavity preparation under magnification using Operating Dental Microscope
- Perform and apply Minimal invasive endodontics
- Perform root canal therapy in complex cases such as severely curved canals, limited mouth
- opening, young patients, etc.
- Apply carious vital pulp therapy techniques
- Perform recent methods of obturation
- Apply different management methods for different Endodontic mishaps such as broken file removal, post removal, ledge bypassing, crown removal, perforation repair, etc.
General and Transferable Skills
By the end of the program, students should be able to:
- Avoid the transfer of infectious diseases between different patients, and between patients and the dental team.
- Value the need for continually updating one’s knowledge and skills in clinical Endodontics
- Demonstrate a detailed knowledge of clinical Endodontics, and apply such knowledge to clinical practice.
- Identify the role of endodontics in restorative dentistry, including appropriate case selection and treatment planning
- Generate proper infection control and occupational safety procedures for the entire health care team and treatment environment
- Identify the limitations of the general dentist and the level at which the case should be referred to an endodontist and the correct treatment plan.