Faculty of Oral & Dental Medicine
Academic Advising
Academic Advising Center Staff
- Youssef Sedky: DNT Advising Center Head
- Mohamed Negm: DNT Advising Assistant Head
- Ali Labib: DNT Advising Center Supervisor
- Nouran Hussein: DNT Advising Senior Advisor
- Omar Ammar: DNT Advising Senior Advisor
- Fady Saeed: DNT Advising Center Advisor
- Yara Salama: DNT Advising Center Advisor
- Sara Farouq: DNT Advising Center Admin
Academic Supervisors
- Professor Mohamed Zayed & Associate Professor Lamis Hussein: First year
- Professor Marwa Mokbel & Associate Professor Yasser Shawky: Second year
- Professor Nashwa Salah & Associate Professor Rehab Helmy: Third year
- Professor Ola Fahmy & Associate Professor Mostafa Hussein: Fourth year
- Professor Manal Foda & Associate Professor Ayman Abdallah Sabbah: Fifth year
Credit Hours
Courses are calculated in credit hours. Each course carries a certain number of credits that are awarded after the successful completion of that course. Credit hours usually equal the number of hours spent in class per week and also reflect the academic load or level of difficulty of a course.
Academic Load
- The academic load is the number of credit hours per semester.
- The maximum academic load per semester is 22 credit hours for first, second and third years, and the load is 22 hrs added to it one University Requirements course for fourth and fifth years.
- The maximum academic load in the summer semester is 2 courses.
Student’s Mail
The University issues an e-mail account for each student. This University e-mail is the main communication channel between MIU and its students. Accordingly, students are required to check it daily to be updated with the latest news and events happening at the University. Schedules are sent via e-mail twice a semester at the beginning of the semester and after the drop/add period.
Academic Advising
Each student is assigned an academic advisor. Students should maintain regular contact with their assigned advisors to ensure fulfillment of university and departmental requirements and to remain aware of any changes in programs and requirements.
Add/Drop Regulations
- A student can drop a course(s) till the deadline set in the university calendar.
- Adding or dropping courses must be signed by the student and approved and signed by his/her academic advisor.
- Students dropping more than 2 courses will have to repeat the academic year.
- In case a student exceeds 25% of absence in a course, he/she will be withdrawn from the course by University action and will not be permitted to attend the exams and will receive an “F” if the course is an English course.
- A student must attend in his assigned group; if he/she attends in another group, he/she will be considered absent.
- A list of “not-permitted” students is issued monthly throughout the semester, on campus and sent via e-mail. The student must check it periodically as it is considered one of his/her responsibilities.
- If absence is caused by proven illness or emergency, the university physician must be informed on the same day of illness and no medical reports will be accepted unless approved by the university physician
- The student is responsible for checking his/her exam schedule through e-mail. It is forbidden to take such information via phone.
- Absence in the final exam will lead to receiving an “F” grade even if the student scored the highest marks during the semester.
- The student must be examined with the section he/she is registered in; if he/she attends another section, he/she will be granted an ‘F” in his/her final exam.
- No medical excuses will be accepted unless the student is hospitalized and the university physician is informed on the same day. Yet, such excuses are discussed by both the Students’ Affairs Committee and the Medical Committee to decide the possibility of accepting or rejecting excuses.
- Final results are sent to students’ e-mail.
- Results of students who have financial liabilities or missing documents (Drafting, Th. Amma, Birth Certificate, etc) will not be announced and they will not be allowed to register for the coming semester.
- A grade is the letter system by which students are evaluated through quizzes, exams, papers, attendance, participation in class, etc.
- The grade point average (GPA) is a number ranging from 0.00 – 4.00, which is a summary of students’ academic performance throughout the years.
- A grade is the letter system by which students are evaluated through quizzes, exams, papers, attendance, participation in class, etc.
Total Grades of a course (Grade Point Average or GPA) are divided as follows
Grade | Percentage | Weight |
F | 0-<60 | 0.00 |
D | 60-<62.5 | 1.00 |
D+ | 62.5-<65 | 1.30 |
C- | 65-<67.5 | 1.70 |
C | 67.5-<70 | 2.00 |
C+ | 70-<72.5 | 2.30 |
B- | 72.5-<75 | 2.70 |
B | 75-<80 | 3.00 |
B+ | 80-<85 | 3.30 |
A- | 85-<90 | 3.70 |
A | 90 and above | 4.00 |