Faculty Of Oral & Dental Medicine
Comprehensive Clinical Attachment Program

Program overview

Learning objectives
The Comprehensive Clinical Program, ADA Continuing Education Recognized Program (ADA C.E.R.P). The program comprises a preparatory phase (diagnosis, evaluation and treatment planning) and clinical working phases in the disciplines Fixed Prosthodontics, Operative and Endodontics.
This condensed program is a multidisciplinary clinical program designed to teach and enhance the candidate’s ability to manage comprehensive cases which represent the majority of the daily clinical workflow in most of the dental offices. The Program is a combination of Lectures, Hands-on, and Clinical work on patients aiming to expose participants to a wide variety of cases with 75 % of the program purely clinical work.
The program involves full rehabilitation cases including endodontic treatment, fixed prosthodontics and restorative treatment.
Knowledge and understanding:
By the end of the program, students should be able to:
- Recognize innovations in adhesive technology
- Identify different composite techniques.
- Recognize different rubber dam isolation techniques
- Identify when an endodontically treated tooth required direct or indirect restorations
- Outline different schools for management of deep caries
- Define the history & development of deep marginal elevation
- Identify the various techniques for DME & their advantage over conventional surgical crown lengthening procedures
- Outline the different schools of management of endodontically treated teeth
- Recognize different endodontic rotary systems for endodontic treatment
- State how to diagnose Endodontic cases along with proper case selection and interpretation of Cone Beam CT x-rays
- List the applied pharmacology in Endodontics
- Recognize Minimally Invasive Endodontics
- Identify recent rotary systems and how to choose the exemplary one
- Describe the power of irrigation and agitation.
- Describe recent obturation techniques and sealers.
- Recognize the role of CBCT in Retreatment cases.
- Outline when to retreat and when not and ways of managing Endodontic Mishaps
- Identify the different schools of thoughts for cuspal coverage whether full coverage or endo crowns
- Identify when an endo treated tooth requires post & core placement
- Discuss the various techniques for deep margin elevation
- Identify different designs for access cavity preparation
- Identify different types of crown preparations
- Recognize the indications for PFM and ceramic crowns
- Recognize the principles of different types of Fixed dental prostheses and their applications
- Memorize diagnosis and treatment planning of different clinical situations using contemporary digital techniques
- Identify different types of recent ceramics
- Recognize different properties of ceramic types and their advantages & disadvantages
- Identify different designs of Conservative all ceramic restorations, including Laminate Veneers, and occlusal veneers.
- Outline different Laminate Veneer preparations, techniques and materials.
- Identify CAD/CAM production concepts (Chairside production & Laboratory production)
- Outline different steps of Heat pressed ceramics technology.
Intellectual Skills
By the end of the program, students should be able to:
- Develop Diagnosis and treatment planning for comprehensive cases.
- Interpret CBCT.
- Differentiate & compare recent ceramics in fixed prosthodontics.
- Establish treatment planning digital workflow in fixed prosthodontics.
- Justify the existence of different components in the dental adhesives
- Correlate different techniques for posterior direct composite restorations
- Appraise CAD/CAM designing and restorations.
- Discuss management of spacing
- Infer construction of palatal indices
- Review the shade map of natural teeth to be able to duplicate them using direct composite restorations
- Predict when a case is expected to require DME
- Relate the need for DME and facilitated cementation of indirect restorations
- Criticize the different approaches to restoration of endo treated teeth
- Infer when a simple endo crown would suffice for a restoration after endo treatment
- Differentiate the different adhesion protocols for different posts & indirect restorations
- Correlate between using digital treatment approaches and ceramic types.
- Justify the decision making whether Post or Post-less approach for restoration of endo treated teeth
- Relate different Laminate Veneer preparations, techniques and materials to the clinical situations.
- Justify the existence of Analogue vs digital workflow in fixed prosthodontics
- Defend the importance of Diagnosis and case Selection
- indicate when to use drugs through root canal treatment sessions
- Discuss minimal invasive techniques during root canal treatment such as, conservative access, ninja access, small apical preparation, etc.
- Name the type of rotary kit to be used according to the case presented to the dentist
- Review recent types of irrigating techniques
- Review recent methods of obturation and recent sealer materials available.
- Select conditions that would acquire the need to retreat a previous root canal treatment
- Identify the need for CBCT in root canal treatment
Professional and practical skills
By the end of the program, students should be able to:
- Perform Indirect esthetic restorations.
- Perform endodontic treatment using conventional and rotary systems
- Perform restoration of endodontically treated teeth.
- Practice contemporary endodontic treatment.
- Apply Rubber dam isolation.
- Practice Matricing and direct posterior composite restorations.
- Show the capacity to perform DME with proper contour
- Show the candidate’s capacity for the preparation of indirect endo crowns
- Demonstrate the mastering of proper post placement
- Show the capability to perform proper cementation protocols for indirect techniques
- Perform Digital workflow in construction of ceramic restorations
- Perform all clinical procedures required to design/fabricate different types of Prosthodontic restorations
- Practice clinical steps for construction of conservative All Ceramic restorations such as laminate Veneers
- Interpret CBCT images
- Perform access cavity preparation under magnification using Operating Dental Microscope
- Perform and apply Minimal invasive endodontics
- Perform root canal therapy in complex cases such as severely curved canals, limited mouth opening, young patients, etc.
- Perform recent methods of obturation
- Apply different management methods for different Endodontic mishaps such as broken file removal, post removal, ledge bypassing, crown removal, perforation repair, etc.
General and Transferable Skills
By the end of the program, students should be able to:
- Exercise effective communication methods with other health care professionals and auxiliary personnel to maximize patient benefits and minimize the risk of errors.
- Communicate with the surrounding community to proper express himself and understand the needs of the patients, involved authorities, laws and regulations of the profession.
- Use the information technology to improve the education and communication among all team members and documentation
- Explain self-awareness and identify their own limitations, through self-reflection, critical appraisal and peer review to identify their educational needs and performance of others.
- Applaud strictly by infection control standards.
- Recognize and use different information resources to develop & enhance rational thinking & prudent judgment.
- Motivate students by encouraging team work and leadership activities and develop professional attitude at all times.
- Manage Time and stress with the capability to prioritize work load for better performance and management
- Recognize the value and role of lifelong learning, self-assessment and critical thinking in maintaining competency, evaluate personal progress to be able to assess ones’ weaknesses and strengths and describe the role and responsibilities as adult learners and at the same time teachers.
- Recognize documentation methods and their application with the help of the documentation center members for the sake of pre and post-operative case recording.