Exam / Result Regulations
Academic Regulations
Exams/Results Regulations
- The student is responsible for printing out his/her exam schedule. It is forbidden to take such information via phone.
- Being absent in the final exam will lead to receiving an “F” grade even if the student scored the highest marks during the semester.
- The student must be examined with the section he/she is registered in; if he/she attends another section, he/she will be granted an F in his/her final exam.
- No medical excuses will be accepted unless the student is hospitalized and the university physician is informed on the same day. Yet, such excuses are discussed by both the Students’ Support Committee and the Medical Committee to decide the possibility of accepting or rejecting excuses.
- The final results are sent to the students’ e-mail (approximately 2 weeks after the last day of final exams).
- The results of students who have financial liabilities or missing documents (Drafting, Th.Amma, Birth Certificate, etc.) will not be announced, and they will not be allowed to register for the coming semester.
- Official transcript of academic record is issued, upon request, to either the student or his/her guardian.