International Partners – USA
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver) has transformed the lives of more than 90,000 people in Denver and Colorado through affordable degree programs, innovative public-private partnerships and a commitment to diversity.
MSU Denver believes that every student should have an opportunity to better their life, and knows that higher education is the key factor in upward economic and social mobility. That’s why MSU Denver offers the highest-quality education at the lowest tuition rate in Colorado.
MSU Denver’s students come from every background and experience. MSU Denver has veterans looking to re-establish themselves in the workforce, first-generation college students trying to do a little better than their parents and plenty of people who want to change directions in their careers. They may have taken a zig-zagging path to get to college, but they find their way here, and leave as Roadrunners.
MSU Denver graduates Fulbright scholars, award-winning novelists, noted academics, pioneering scientists and many others who are at the very top of their fields. And that’s further proof of why MSU Denver needs to give every student a fair shot, why MSU Denver doesn’t define itself by who it excludes, but by who it includes. Because every student has the potential to be something or someone greater, to move up the social and economic ladder; in short, to achieve the American dream.
Forms of Collaboration
Study Abroad / Student Exchange Programs
A program offered to Mass Communication students.
Faculty Exchange Program
Participating faculties: Mass Communication Department.