New Curriculum – PHR

Faculty of Pharmacy
New Curriculum
Bylaws for Students enrolled 2012 till present
The Faculty of Pharmacy offers a five-year program (10 semesters) leading to a Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences degree.
- Total Credit Hours = 170 credit hours, Total No. of Courses = 59 courses.
- University Requirements courses = 12 credit hours equivalent to 4 courses.
- Faculty Department courses = 158 credit hours equivalent to 55 courses.
- Required faculty department are classified into : (146 credit hours equivalent to 51 required course):
- Pharmaceutical Technology = 24 Cr Hrs. (9 courses) {PHT}
- Pharmacognosy = 8 Cr. Hrs. (2 courses) {PHG}
- Pharmacology and Toxicology = 42 Cr. Hrs. (13 courses) {PHL}
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry = 26 Cr. Hrs. (8 courses) {PHC}
- Pharmacy Practice and Clinical Pharmacy = 34 Cr. Hrs. (15 courses) {PHP}
- Microbiology = 12 Cr. Hrs. (4 courses) {MIC}
- Pharmaceutical Technology = 24 Cr Hrs. (9 courses) {PHT}
- Elective Faculty department: 12 Cr. Hrs. equivalent to 4 elective course.
- Required faculty department are classified into : (146 credit hours equivalent to 51 required course):
University Requirements
The core curriculum sets a foundation of general education in the social sciences and humanities. All undergraduate students are required to study the following courses:
- 9 credit hours equivalent to 3 required courses.
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Pre-requisite Credit Hrs. 1 ENG 100 English for Academic Purposes – 3 2 ENG 101 Freshman I ENG 100 3 3 SOC 204 Computer Applications for Social Sciences – 3 - Students also select 1 of the following University Requirements Courses.
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Pre-requisite Credit Hrs. 1 ARB 105 Arabic Composition & Style I – 3 2 ARS 101 Modern Arabic Literature – 3 3 COM 200 Desktop Publishing – 3 4 ENG 300 Writing Specialized Research – 3 5 ETH 101 Professional Ethics – 3 6 GEO 101 General Principles of Geography – 3 7 GER 101 German I – 3 8 HIS 101 History of Ancient Egypt – 3 9 HIS 102 History of Islamic Egypt – 3 10 HIS 106 Modern History of Egypt – 3 11 MAT 100 Introduction To Mathematics – 3 12 MUS 103 Introduction to Music – 3 13 POL 200 Introduction to Political Science.& International Relations – 3 14 PSY 104 Social Psychology – 3 15 SCT 101 Scientific Thinking – 3 16 SOC 102 Environmental Awareness – 3 17 SOC 103 Principles of Sociology – 3 18 SOC 106 Contemporary Issues – 3 19 THT 101 Introduction to Theatre – 3
N.B. If a student is directly placed into Freshman I (ENG 101) then the
English for Academic Purposes (ENG 100) course will be
replaced by one of the University Requirements courses.
Faculty Requirements
The Faculty requirements include 55 required courses (158 credit hours).
Required Faculty Courses (146 credit hours equivalent to 51 required courses)
- Pharmaceutical Technology Courses
Number of courses 9, number of credit hours 24
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Pre-requisite Credit Hrs. 1 PHT 111 Pharmaceutics I – 3 2 PHT 151 Mathematics – 2 3 PHT 212 Physical Pharmacy – 3 4 PHT 213 Pharmaceutics II – 3 5 PHT 314 Pharmaceutics III PHT 111 2 6 PHT 315 Reaction Kinetics & Drug Stability PHT 151 – PHT 212 2 7 PHT 416 Biopharmaceutics .& Pharmacokinetics PHT 315 3 8 PHT 521 Pharmaceutical Quality Control PHT 315 3 9 PHT 522 Industrial Pharmacy PHT 213 3 - Pharmacognosy Courses
Number of courses 2, number of credit hours 8
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Pre-requisite Credit Hrs. 1 PHG 211 Pharmacognosy – 4 2 PHG 421 Phytochemistry PHC 112 4 - Pharmacology and Toxicology Courses
Number of courses 13, number of credit hours 42
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Pre-requisite Credit Hrs. 1 PHL 100 Biology – 3 2 PHL 101 Anatomy & Histology – 3 3 PHL 211 Physiology & Pathophysiology I PHL 100 3 4 PHL 212 Physiology & Pathophysiology II PHL 211 3 5 PHL 313 Physiology & Pathophysiology III PHL 212 2 6 PHL 321 Pharmacology I PHL 212 – PHC 112 3 7 PHL 322 Pharmacology II PHL 321 – PHC 331 4 8 PHL 351 Biochemistry & Molecular. Biology I PHL 212 3 9 PHL 352 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology II PHL 351 4 10 PHL 423 Pharmacology III PHL 322 – PHC 332 4 11 PHL 424 Clinical Pharmacology PHL 423 4 12 PHL 541 Toxicology PHL322 3 13 PHL 453 Clinical Biochemistry PHL352 3 - Pharmaceutical Chemistry Courses
Number of courses 8, number of credit hours 26
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Pre-requisite Credit Hrs. 1 PHC 101 General Chemistry and Physical Chemistry – 4 2 PHC 111 Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I – 4 3 PHC 112 Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry II PHC 111 4 4 PHC 121 Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry PHC 101 3 5 PHC 433 Medicinal Chemistry III
PHC 332 – PHL 322 2 6 PHC 222 Instrumental Analysis PHC 121 3 7 PHC 331 Medicinal Chemistry I PHC 112 – PHL 211 3 8 PHC 332 Medicinal Chemistry II PHC 331 – PHL 321 3 - Pharmacy Practice and Clinical Pharmacy Courses
Number of courses 15, number of credit hours 34
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Pre-requisite Credit Hrs. 1 PHP 101 Medical Terminology – 1 2 PHP 211 Introduction to Drug Information – 2 3 PHP 212 Pharmacy Laws & Ethics – 1 4 PHP 221 Community Pharmacy PHL 211 2 5 PHP 351 Scientific Thinking & Research Design – 2 6 PHP 413 First Aid – 1 7 PHP 414 Health care & Pharmacoeconomics – 2 8 PHP 441 Pharmacotherapy I PHL 313 3 9 PHP 515 Advanced Drug Information PHP 211 2 10 PHP 522 Hospital Pharmacy – 2 11 PHP 523 Advanced Community & Hospital Pharmacy PHP 221 – PHP 522 2 12 PHP 531 Pharmacy Management, Promotion and Drug Marketing – 3 13 PHP 542 Pharmacotherapy II PHP 441 – PHL 322 4 14 PHP 543 Pharmacotherapy III PHP 441 – PHL 322 4 15 PHP 544 Outcomes Design and Assessment – 3 - Microbiology Courses
Number of courses 4, number of credit hours 12
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Pre-requisite Credit Hrs. 1 MIC 211 Microbiology PHL 100 3 2 MIC 312 Immunology MIC 211 2 3 MIC 313 Medical Microbiology MIC 211 3 4 MIC 414 Pharmaceutical Microbiology & Biotechnology MIC 211 4
Elective Courses
- 12 credit hours equivalent to 4 elective courses
Students must select 4 of the following elective courses
Serial No. Course Code Course Name Pre-requisite Credit Hrs. 1 MIC 515 Public Health MIC 211 3 2 MIC 516 Diagnostic Microbiology MIC 211 3 3 PHC 523 Food Analysis PHC 121 3 4 PHC 524 Quality in the Pharmaceutical Lab PHC 222 3 5 PHC 534 Drug Design PHC 433 3 6 PHG 512 Production of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants PHG 211 3 7 PHL 542 Drug Abuse PHL 322 3 8 PHL 554 Clinical Nutrition PHL 352 3 9 PHP 546 Clinical Pharmacokinetics PHT 416 3