Department of Architecture
مؤتمرات ومعارض علمية
تشارك كلية العلوم والفنون الهندسية في المؤتمرات الخاصة بتطوير التعليم في مجال المشاركة المجتمعية وتنمية البيئة. ويشارك السادة أعضاء هيئة التدريس بأبحاث علمية وعروض ويتم نشرها محليًا ودوليًا. ومن ضمن هذه المؤتمرات:
– UK-Egypt Researcher Links Workshop: ‘Sustaining Built Heritage’ Internet of Things, Remote Sensed and Big Data, ‘Visual Analytics of Built Cultural Heritage for Quality of life, Social and Economic Welfare’: Egypt – February 2017.
– International Symposium: “Room for Children in the City”. Sweden – September 2016.
– HANDS ON: exhibition-conference-excursion on academic design-build studios. Austria – June 2016.
– Architecture Builds Knowledge. 5th International Symposium on Architectural education and its field of research. Bauhaus- Universitat Weimar. Germany 2015.
– UIA World Congress, South Africa 2014.
– 6th International Conference of Education ICERI, Research and Innovation. Spain 2013.
– International Colloquium: Informal Areas: Lacks and New Perspectives in Post-Graduate Programs. Urbanism and Revolution in Egypt: Decision Makers, Urban Planners and City Dwellers after January 25th. Centre d’études et de Documentation Economiques, Juridiques et Sociales (CEDEJ). Egypt-France 2012.
– Design-Build Studio. International Symposium for Cross-Cultural Oriented Projects in Teaching and Research. Cocoon Unit, Technical University of Berlin (TUB). Germany 2012.
– New Glasses: Presentation and Representation Department of Architecture
Faculty of Engineering – Cairo University
5th International Conference 16th – 17th December 2009