MIUCC23 – Faculty of Computer Sciences organized its Third International Conference
MIUCC23 – Faculty of Computer Sciences organized its Third International Conference
5 Oct 2023The Faculty of Computer Science at Misr International University organized the 3rd International Intelligent and Ubiquitous Computing Conference (MIUCC23), on the 27th and 28th of September 2023. MIUCC23 was held in a hybrid manner under the sponsorship of IEEE.
Researchers were invited to contribute to the conference by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveys, and industrial experiences that describe significant advances along several tracks. A total of 95 papers were submitted and reviewed by the technical committee comprising Egyptian and international reviewers. The committee accepted 64 papers to be included in MIUCC23. Out of the 64 papers, 13 papers were from foreign countries such as Portugal, Japan, the United Kingdom, etc.
The MIUCC23 provided an international forum for sharing knowledge on theories, methodologies, and applications of the significant computer science disciplines. This conference aimed to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and the industry to focus on understanding recent concepts and establishing new collaborations in major computer science areas.
The conference included several keynote speeches by distinguished speakers from the industry, academia, and government sectors. The conference also included panels and forums, sessions featuring technical papers, workshops focusing on the latest trends in various technologies, and tutorials delivered by experts in respective disciplines as well as exhibits, and a relaxing and entertaining banquet.
Congratulations to all authors who contributed to MIUCC23. All accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore. The conference proceedings are indexed by Ei-Compendex and Scopus and can be found at MIUCC23.