Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
3 Apr 2019Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) was the topic of the forth session in the series of research seminars organized by the MIU Business school for covering the different aspects of sustainable development. The session- held on March, 4, 2019- posed the question : How can learning promote sustainable development?
To answering this question , Dr Randa El Bedawy , associate professor -Management Department, tracked the evolution of world awareness of the importance of education in promoting sustainable development, starting from raising the issue of “the role of education in preventing ecological degradation” in 1992, ending in an overall acknowledgement of SD and a better quality of life especially that of Education. This was formally adopted by declaring (2005-2014) The Decade of Education for Sustainable Development which was Concluded by adopting a global strategy of ESD (Education for Sustainable Development). The Presentation focused on examining the objectives and functions of that strategy including reorienting research and education programs to focus on the development of knowledge, skills and values related to sustainability.
The research underlined the urgent need in the Arab world and Egypt for ESD especially in higher education institutions. It also highlighted the importance of covering all the aspects of those institutions starting from having a “ Green Campus” to an appropriate learning environment that encourages direct involvement of students in field experiences in the outside world . It also extends to the teaching techniques which are based on investigative learning and exploring reality rather than reading books . It also called for the importance of focusing on topics like Conflict resolution, human rights, ethics, gender equity, poverty alleviation, peace, human security, citizenship, democracy and governance.
The presentation was followed by a very rich discussion that revolved around the steps taken by the MIU toward satisfying the ESD, and the steps still needed to be taken for attaining that end.