The Architecture Department hosted the graduation project jury for the class of 2022/2023. The four-day event marked a significant milestone for the senior students as they presented their final projects, showcasing their innovative ideas and designs.
This year, the Department had the privilege of welcoming esteemed guests, including Prof. Luca Deon from Hochschule Luzern in Switzerland, who served as an external juror as per the collaboration agreement between MIU and Hochschule Luzern.
In addition to Prof. Deon, the jury panel consisted of several renowned experts in the field of architecture, some of whom had previously attended the students’ midterm jury to closely monitor their progress. Prof. Amr AbdelKawi from the American University in Cairo, Prof. Mohamed Reda Abdallah from Cairo University, and Prof. Yasser Saqr, former President of Helwan University and an expert in Architecture and Urban Design, lent their invaluable insights and expertise to evaluate the students’ projects.