Computer Science Graduation Project Day 2022
Computer Science Graduation Project Day 2022
6 Jul 2022The faculty of Computer Science held its annual Graduation Project Day on Wednesday June 29th, 2022, to present its students’ graduation projects. Parents were invited to celebrate the hard work of our senior students. The faculty also invited representatives from several companies to take part in evaluating the projects and discussing the market/business needs related to the students’ topics.
The projects were divided into 5 tracks which are: INFRASTRUCTURE & CYBERSECURITY, MEDICAL, RPA & IOT, TOURISM & MEDIA, and EDUCATION.
Each team presented their work in a separate booth and companies’ representatives evaluated students’ GP work from both the technical and business perspectives. The attendees were impressed by the effort and hard work exerted by the students to come up with such output and results. They also offered some students interview opportunities at their companies.
The top eight projects selected by external technical judges were chosen to participate in a competition that took place on Graduation Project Day. The industry representatives participating in the event selected the top 3 projects. These were announced & honored at the end of the event.