A Visit to Liqa’ Al-Ahibba Orphanage
A Visit to Liqa’ Al-Ahibba Orphanage
31 Jan 2022On Tuesday 18th of January 2022, the Community Service and Environmental Affairs Committee organized a field trip to Liqa’ Al Ahibba orphanage under the umbrella of the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine. A group of interns and staff members from the Faculty of Oral & Dental Medicine joined the trip.
The purpose of the visit was to raise the awareness of the employees and the children’s care givers regarding COVID-19 virus to promote personal protection from the virus and to prevent transmission of infection to others. The visit also aimed to raise dental health awareness to improve the oral health care of the children, care givers and the employees and administrative staff. . Interns presented a live demonstration using toothbrushes and simulating dental casts to show the children the proper technique for tooth brushing and correct the faulty techniques used by them. The children, care givers and employees were allowed to ask all questions regarding COVID-19 and oral health. They were all invited to visit MIU Dental Clinic Complex to receive the required dental care free of charge, as well as a free transportation to and from MIU. . Interns were allowed to play with the children and take photos with them the whole day. Toothbrushes and tubes of tooth paste were gifted to the children. Also, alcohol bottles and masks were given to the orphanage as giveaways, together with 40 blankets that were purchased and given upon their request.
Questionnaires were distributed on the employees to determine their dental health needs and to evaluate the provided program and measure their satisfaction with the visit. Another questionnaire was also distributed on the interns and staff members participating to evaluate the general setting and outcome of the visit.