A Visit to Lekaa El Aheba Orphanage House
A Visit to Lekaa El Aheba Orphanage House
11 Sep 2023The Community Service and Environmental Affairs Committee, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, organized a field trip to Lekaa Elaheba Orphanage House on Tuesday, 29th of August 2023. A group of interns and staff members from the Fixed Prosthodontics Department, and a team from the World Dental Federation (FDI) joined the trip.
The purpose of the visit was to raise the awareness of the children, caregivers, and employees regarding dental health. Awareness sessions were given by interns, highlighting the importance of tooth brushing and the proper techniques for oral hygiene.
The interns examined all the children, caregivers, and employees of the Orphanage House under the supervision of professors from the Fixed Prosthodontics Department. FDI members distributed toothbrushes and tubes of toothpaste to the children, caregivers, and employees.
Questionnaires were distributed to the caregivers and employees of the house to determine their dental health needs and to measure their satisfaction with the visit. Another questionnaire was distributed to the participating interns and staff members to evaluate the outcome of the visit.